Modular Music Academy | Dr. Stumpfstrasse 123 | 6020 Innsbruck | Österreich
Music Production Basics „Ladies-Session 1“
€ 35,00
(„boys, this one is for ladies only…“)
In den zwei Nachmittag Sessions wird gezeigt, wie man mit einer Songidee ein Demotape in Ableton Live macht. Ihr lernt Ableton Basics und alles weitere was ihr braucht, um mit dem Musik machen mit einer DAW anzufangen.
Tipps&Tricks inklusive! Achtung: Beide Sessions sind in Englisch!
English workshop description:
Music Production Basics with musician BAIBA for ladies only!
In the 2 afternoon sessions we will use Ableton LIVE to create a song from a scratch. Starting from getting to know the software & everything needed for a simple music production set up, then moving forward with the song idea and creating a final demo track.
We will go through all the basic stuff, all the things that you need to start to create your music independently and record it at home. So we take a closer look on: creating beats, bass lines, basic arrangements, recording the instruments the vocals and backing-vocals, and or course we will have a look at the mixing.
Doesn’t matter, if you are a singer-songwriter, or if want to make a hit electro pop song, or you wanna produce a female only bass guitar punk project, it will be useful for everyone!
Anmeldung per Anfrage:
E-Mail: office@bel-media.net
Mobil: +43 650 9333945
Link to BAIBA´s Website:
Modular Music Academy | Dr. Stumpfstrasse 123 | 6020 Innsbruck | Österreich